Titania Paige
October 20, 2020
You’re ready to walk in your purpose, but you’re feeling stuck. Perhaps the pain of a devastating, defining moment has burdened you with bitterness toward God or bound you with doubt and distrust toward His plans. Join me and women’s empowerment coach, Kendra Tillman to discover a five-step framework to greater confidence in your God-given gifting and being a STRONGER you!
Kendra Tillman, a wife & mom of 3, is dedicated to equipping women & teen girls with training and mentorship to own their spiritual growth and transformation! She is a certified life and executive coach through the CaPP Institute and the founder of StrongHerMe Coaching & Consulting where she encourages and equips go-getter women and teen girls with resources that help them act more courageously in their calling.
In 2014 Kendra launched an annual faith-inspired women’s empowerment conference, You Are Stronger Than You Think, and the following year authored her first book with the same title, You Are Stronger Than You Think: Lessons of Endurance in the Race of Faith. She’s also a contributing writer for A Moment to Breathe Devotional and the (in)courage Devotional Bible.
In this episode, I ask Kendra:
What did you think of this episode of the Purpose in Purity Podcast? Are there any questions you want us to answer? Any topics you want to hear discussed? Leave a comment below or email me at hey@TitaniaPaige.com. See you in the next episode!